Travel Recap: Relaxing and Rejuvenating in Snowbird, Utah


In the spirit of keeping it real, I honestly haven’t done very much on the career front over the past couple of weeks – I’ve had a few minor health issues and haven’t totally felt like myself (nothing serious though!), so I’ve been focused on my current project work and then just relaxing and trying to give my body what it needs. Not what it thinks it needs (pizza, ice cream), but what it actually needs. Hence I’ve been doing this crazy elimination diet and basically just eating bland foods like plain rice and fish until I figure out what’s going on. I am seeing a nutrition and wellness coach starting next week, so I can definitely share that experience if people are interested in that.

These health issues happened to coincide with a family trip out to Utah, and it ended up being a really good place to focus on my well being. Cem’s family has been going skiing at Snowbird for almost 40 years – his parents got a timeshare in the 70s and then both Cem and his brother learned how to ski there as kids. This was my first time going – I don’t ski, but since I have the time and flexibility it was a great opportunity to spend time with family. We stayed in a suite with a full kitchen, so after a big Whole Foods haul we cooked almost all of our meals in, which was nice because I had control over the ingredients (not often the case while on vacation). Cem and I were also able to go down to Salt Lake City to meet up with my cousin and his wife and daughters one night – I felt so fortunate to be able to spend time with them when we’re usually so far away, and his girls are just the cutest!

The fresh mountain air was so nice (once I was fully acclimated!), and the scenery was absolutely gorgeous from the resort – the pictures below are the views from our room, from the little nook where I would work from each day, and from the gym!

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View from our room at Cliff


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Not a bad “office” view!


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Definitely inspiration to go to the gym


The resort is at 8,000 feet, which was definitely an adjustment, especially while not feeling well! I was fine after about 24 hours of chugging water and taking it easy. The biggest adjustment was going to the summit at 11,000 feet – wowza, it was hard to breathe up there! But definitely worth it for the photos and the experience!


The Summit at 11,000 Feet!



The Mangir Family at the Summit



Cem at the Summit


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He popped the questions 2 years ago on this day!



Braving the altitude sickness!


I’m looking forward to being in DC for the next month or so – the travel has been amazing but I think my body could use some normalcy – especially before we head to Spain for a few weeks at the end of May!

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